Photoproject "Perfect loneliness" with Alina Pash and paintings by Edward Hopper

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Let's keep the invisible connection of feelings between people the way artists hold our attention in front of their works.
Photoproject "Perfect loneliness" with Alina Pash and paintings by Edward Hopper

The embroidery will always unite people in the main thing - their feelings. No matter how different we are, we all feel what love, tenderness, sadness and joy are. Let's keep this invisible connection of feelings between people the way artists hold our attention in front of their works - Etnodim

The 20th century urbanist and artist of magical realism, whose work is inspired by directors and even famous writers, created a literary screen version of his work in 2017. Who is he? Edward Hopper Favorite artist of David Lynch and mastermind of Hitchcock on the film "Window into the Courtyard".

What exactly was the "empty space artist" first inspired by the brand?

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The line that is traced in all his works speaks of human loneliness in the space of the city. Looking at his work, watching loneliness and events, holding their breath in anticipation of the moment of implementation, you can feel the sadness of alienation and the great beauty of the closeness of feelings between people. After all, the one who is depicted, the one who has depicted and the one who is observing - have common feelings that are familiar to everyone.

Therefore, for us personally, in the subjective interpretation of his work - it does not separate people, scattering it through empty spaces, it unites us in the most important thing that we have - our feelings.

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The embroidery does the same thing. We, the Etnodim brand, are working to show people a new way of perceiving it. We create modernity from tradition, and modernity from tradition. We say that embroidery can be comfortable and beautiful clothes of everyday life and at the same time modern art. No matter how often and where you will dress her, she will always unite people in the main thing - their feelings.

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Блог: Элемент: Фотопроект - Редактирование Фото 7

Despite the artist’s work, when at first it seems that you are supposedly spying on the lives of others, you look into your life. And looking at modern Etnodim embroidered shirts, at first it may seem that these things are created for special events, but in reality - you are a special event.

The most famous phrase of Edward Hopper: "All I would like to do is write sunlight on the wall of the house." She fully characterizes his work, in which he plays with the light and seizes the moment.

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Блог: Элемент: Фотопроект

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All we want to do is create modern ornaments based on Ukrainian archetypes, and we do it - capturing the moment of the real rhythm of Ukrainian feelings.

Text writer - Manana Glonti
Photos - Arthur Verkhovetsky
Model - Alina Pash 
Stylist - Valery Topal
Scenery - Elena Derevyankina, Alexandra Lurchenko
Make-up artist - Irina Tretyak