"Primrose". Mythologeme

"Primrose". Mythologeme

Ancient man imagined the creation of the world
as a certain event (just like you and me),
an act that took place at the beginning of time.
The world is created by the gods, or two birds can
"give birth" to an egg from which the world will be
created, or two blacksmiths forge the world.

This is a sacred time of primordial creation,
where everything happens for the first time and these
first examples of creation are perfect.

The first God, the first man, the first marriage,
the first flower...

A paradigm (a model, an example) is copied, repeated
over and over again, and becomes... imperfect.
This is how myth consciousness explains to us
why the world is not perfect.

But people have a way of returning to the moment of creation,
and this mechanism of return is a rite or ritual.
It is the replaying of a situation that reminds us of the sacred,
of the ideal form or process - how things should be.

A person grows up and lives in a cultural, object,
and value environment; from birth, he or she is surrounded
by ideas, symbols, stories, signs,
and ways of doing things that are peculiar to his or her people.

Traditions, images, and worldview are enshrined
and manifested in songs, fairy tales, legends and stories,
proverbs and sayings.

We can consider such hidden and explicit stories, traditions,
symbols, superstitions, habits as fragments of myth that influence
modern people, their behavior, their perceptions of themselves and
others, and their lifestyles.

Speaking about mythologemes, we want to touch upon seemingly
abstract but understandable and close images -
Rozman, Beast, Earth, Spring, Forest.
"Primrose". Mythologeme

Ancient man imagined
the creation of the world as a certain event
(just like you and me),
an act that took place at the beginning of time.
The world is created by the gods, or two
birds can "give birth" to an egg from which
the world will be created, or two blacksmiths
forge the world

This is a sacred time of primordial
creation, where everything happens
for the first time and these first examples
of creation are perfect.

The first God, the first man, the first
marriage, the first flower...

A paradigm (a model, an example)
is copied, repeated over and over again,
and becomes... imperfect.
This is how myth consciousness explains
to us why the world is not perfect.

But people have a way of returning to
the moment of creation, and this
mechanism of return is a rite or
ritual. It is the replaying of a situation that
reminds us of the sacred, of the
ideal form or process - how things
should be.

A person grows up and lives in a cultural,
object, and value environment;
from birth, he or she is surrounded
by ideas, symbols,
stories, signs, and ways of doing things
that are peculiar to his or her people.

Traditions, images, and worldview are
enshrined and manifested in songs,
fairy tales, legends and stories, proverbs,
and sayings.

We can consider such hidden and
explicit stories, traditions, symbols,
superstitions, habits as fragments of myth that
influence modern people, their behavior, their
perceptions of themselves and others,
and their lifestyles.

Speaking about mythologemes, we want
to touch upon seemingly abstract but
understandable and close images -
Rozman, Beast, Earth, Spring, Forest.

"Primrose". Mythologeme. Spring, 2024


The content of myth is not nature itself, but human interaction with it
Photo Synchrodogs

"Primrose". Mythologeme. Spring, 2024

"The gaze of a traveler
is lost in these grass
thickets, as in the snowdrifts of the starry
sky," Vincenzo.

That is, flowers are the starry sky
that settles on the earth.

"Rozman" – is the awakening
of spring energy. There is a lush
flowering, the richness of nature.
Each flower is a fractal on
the majestic canvas of nature.
"The gaze of a traveler is lost in these
grass thickets, as in the snowdrifts of the
starry sky," Vincenzo.

That is, flowers are the starry sky that
settles on the earth.

"Rozman" is the awakening of spring
energy. There is a lush flowering, the
richness of nature. Each flower is a
fractal on the majestic canvas of nature.

"Primrose". Mythologeme. Spring, 2024


The content of myth is not nature itself, but human interaction with it
Photo Synchrodogs

The animal world is a reflection
of the human world. Each creature plays its own
role in the cosmic order of things.

"Always and wherever people have lived, under all
circumstances, in every corner of the world,
myths have appeared, and they have been a living
source of inspiration for all human
endeavors in the material and spiritual
sphere," Joseph Campbell.

A man cannot grow wings,
but he can design an airplane.


"Primrose". Mythologeme. Spring, 2024

The animal world is a reflection
of the human world. Each creature
plays its own role in
the cosmic order of things.

"Always and wherever people have lived,
under all circumstances, in
every corner of the world,
myths have appeared, and they have been
a living source of inspiration
for all human endeavors in the
material and spiritual
sphere," Joseph Campbell.

A man cannot grow wings,
but he candesign an airplane.

"Primrose". Mythologeme. Spring, 2024


Man builds relationships with the world as if it were alive
Photo Synchrodogs

"Primrose". Mythologeme. Spring, 2024

Ukrainians have a deep respect
for the land, calling it "mother”,
"holy," and "our nurse."
The oath to the land is the
most faithful and the most terrible.

The image "Earth" reminds us of
Dovzhenko, Kobylianska,
the exhibition "Heart of the Earth" with
works by Nikita Kadan,
Zhanna Kadyrova, Alevtina
Kakhidze and others.

To this day, art is still searching
for the mystical symbolism of ancient
beliefs in the relationship
between the Ukrainian people and
Ukrainians have a deep respect for the land,
calling it "mother," "holy," and
"our nurse.". The oath to the land is
the most faithful and the most terrible.

The image "Earth" reminds us of Dovzhenko,
Kobylianska, the exhibition "Heart of the Earth"
with works by Nikita Kadan, Zhanna
Kadyrova, Alevtina Kakhidze and others.

To this day, art is still searching
for the mystical symbolism of ancient beliefs
in the relationship between the Ukrainian
people and nature.

"Primrose". Mythologeme. Spring, 2024


Man builds relationships with the world as if it were alive
Photo Synchrodogs

Spring is a time of awakening and
the beginning of the year.

A muse that encourages artists
to create.
In our opinion,
the poet Bohdan-Ihor Antonych speaks
most subtly and lyrically about spring,
although almost all Ukrainian poets
have written about it.


Spring is a time of awakening and the
beginning of year.

A muse that encourages artists to create.
In our opinion the poet
Bohdan-Ihor Antonych speaks most subtly
and lyrically about spring,
although almost all Ukrainian poets
have written about it.


"Primrose". Mythologeme. Spring, 2024


In all languages, humans describe
the world with exclusively human
verbs, such as
"the sun rises and sets," "the earth
wakes up," "the wind blows" -
this proves once again that we
perceive nature as
a thinking body.

After all, we transfer everything
we know about ourselves to the world.
And vice versa.

"Primrose". Mythologeme. Spring, 2024


The study of myth consciousness gives us an understanding of culture in general
Photo Synchrodogs

"Primrose". Mythologeme. Spring, 2024


In all languages, humans describe the world
with exclusively human verbs, such as
"the sun rises and sets," "the earth
wakes up," "the wind blows" - this proves
once again that we perceive
nature as a thinking body.

After all, we transfer everything we
know about ourselves to the world.
And vice versa.


Forest takes care of people,
produces oxygen, provides
food, but also tests them.

For example, Ukrainians consider
the cedar tree to be sacred,
and the cedar forest to be God's forest
because people could survive there
without bread.


Forest takes care of people, produces
oxygen, provides food, but also
tests them.

For example, Ukrainians consider
the cedar tree to be sacred,
and the cedar forest to be God's forest
because people could survive there
without bread.

"Primrose". Mythologeme. Spring, 2024


With the help of mythology, people
have formed
mythological consciousness.
Each nation has its own
original mythology and emphasizes its
unique features.


With the help of mythology, people
have formed mythological consciousness.
Each nation has its own original mythology and
emphasizes its unique features.


Myth consciousness is historically the first type
of social consciousness.

And throughout our history, we have been
taking religion, politics, aesthetics, morality,
philosophy, and more out of it.

Myth and mythology rise through
the soil of myth consciousness
sprouting like a primrose flower.

Myth consciousness is historically the first type
of social consciousness.

And throughout our history, we have been
taking religion, politics, aesthetics, morality,
philosophy, and more out of it.

Myth and mythology rise through
the soil of myth consciousness
sprouting like a primrose flower.

Nataliya Kryvda – Doctor of Philosophical Sciences,
modern Ukrainian philosopher and public figure
an intellectual

Nataliya Kryvda – Doctor
of Philosophical Sciences, modern Ukrainian
philosopher and public figure an intellectual.