Still in doubt about participating in ETNODIM's DRABYNA project?

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Designer Liliya Kasianchuk shares her experience to allay your doubts.
Still in doubt about participating in ETNODIM's DRABYNA project?

Дизайнер Лілія Касьянчук працює в ETNODIM більше 5 років. 

Сьогодні Лілі вирішила поділитися власним досвідом, щоб зменшити сумніви щодо участі у нашому проекті для талановитих дизайнерів.

Коли ти зрозумів, що хочеш бути дизайнером?

Even when i did not yet know the meaning of the word. I kept thinking about clothes. It was sometimes difficult to understand why a dress or shirt was made that way, not the way I imagined it.

The ideas came on their own, they were hard to ignore. As far as I can remember, I always drew something like sketches of clothes. And when I was 4 or 5 years old, I first saw a fashion show, and learned about the profession of designer. 

"All my children's games have been related to this. I still treat design with ease."

Who influenced the design of your design journey?

Nature has always inspired creative decisions, as well as the people around me. I tried to make clothes that would evoke bright emotions and a desire to wear them.

What problems / fears do young designers face?

When you understand what a huge industry it is, what its competition is - it both suppresses and motivates. It is very difficult to dare to challenge the fashion world and create a truly unique style. There is a very big temptation to follow the trends. But fortunately, more and more young designers are striving to break patterns, move away from stereotypes. Although without reputation and financial support, it is quite difficult to make a statement.

Блог: Элемент: Колекція Квіти - Редактирування Фото 3
Блог: Элемент: Колекція Квіти - Редактирування Фото 4

Блог: Элемент: Колекція Квіти - Редактирування Фото 3
Блог: Элемент: Колекція Квіти - Редактирування Фото 4

Why try yourself in the DRABYNA project?

Understanding the problems faced by young designers, we created this project with the most comfortable and useful conditions for starting their careers in this business.

"The DRABYNA project allows you to creatively break away completely, at absolutely no risk, in a friendly environment."

Give your definition of profession "designer".

I do not want to impose my opinion. Let everyone answer this question. For some it is a profession, for another it is a lifestyle or a philosophy. The main thing is what you create! It can be your own aesthetics, a deep idea or a tribute to traditions and more.

In your opinion, what is the importance / role of clothing in the modern world?

Clothes have always been more than protection against the weather (laughs). It is a very archetypal phenomenon that cannot be fully understood and given a clear definition. For me, clothes are first and foremost a statement, a meaning that we put into it. And if another person interprets it in a similar way, then communes and its values ​​are built around it.

Блог: Елемент: До сих пор сомневаешься брати участь у проектах DRABYNA від ETNODIM? - Редактирування Фото 12

What tips can you give to young designers?

Don't be afraid of anything! Especially fairies - they are needed. Get organized, not necessarily around our project (but why not?)

"Going through trials and victories is always better in a friendly company of like-minded people. Take risks without progress."

If I brought you back 5 years ago, would you try your hand at the DRABYNA project and why?

I couldn't, because there were no similar projects five or three years ago. I do not even remember any such opportunity where you could try your hand without risk, even in such an open to others, a team of professionals who will be happy to learn something new!

DRABYNA is a project that transforms dreams and knowledge into a real life experience. 

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Prepared by Manana Glonti